These all add to the immersion of trying to eke out survival on Mars. There are more than 250 individual Events and more than a hundred of them chained together in various ways. They greatly expanded the Events I had mentioned earlier. Some of the more difficult ones are even timed.
The Gagarin Free Update Patch added Sponsor Goals - which, by completion, come with a wide variety of rewards/perks. Then, as has happened quite frequently to me, a huge patch came out during this review. For the Bushido achievement, you play as Japan and train two hundred specialists before Sol 100. For a couple of examples, the ‘Space Capitalism’ achievement means you have to play as the Blue Sun Corporation and produce $100,000 million Funding before Sol 100. There are ten new achievements, most of which need to happen by Sol 100. You need both Space Race and Rival Colonies for these to fire up. The events depend on your Commander Profile and Mission Sponsor - and, again, some RNG. These are random situations that may occur and will require your immediate attention - and often, a hard decision. Something else new to Space Race is ‘Events’. I found that getting on their good side is a lot harder than making them mad. Conversely, getting caught stealing from them or sabotaging their stuff will not make them friendly towards you at all. The more positive things you do with them, the higher your reputation grows. You can also request help or provide aid to them. You can contact other colonies and exchange technologies or (try to) open trade routes. Sometimes, anomalies will ‘overlap’, so you need to be able to race to get there first. Of course, they can do the same to you, as well. With the rivals alone, you can trade with them, send distress calls to them, answer their distress signals and, most importantly for me, steal their important colonists. Also, each promoter has their own exclusive buildings and vehicles - strictly unique to that patron. Each sponsor has a different set of goals for you to complete. There a lot of new, interesting twists to the gameplay itself. Obviously, my next game will be playing as Japan.

I made sure to pick Brazil so I could experience this all as new as possible. The two new factions are Brazil and Japan. These rival sponsors will do everything in their power to keep you from becoming Mars’ superpower. Now, there are other AI-backed colonies to not only contend with, but compete against. You’re not alone on the Red Planet anymore. Along with the latest free (and huge) patch, Haemimont Games and Paradox Interactive have released their first DLC for Surviving Mars entitled Space Race. Tons of free content, additions and bug fixes have made an already excellent game even better. Since I originally wrote about Surviving Mars, the game has upgraded itself into orbit.